By Aftab Ahmed Baloch

As long as the history of Pakistan is recalled, this day will be referred to as the darkest day of Pakistan, when Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto (the former democratically elected Prime Minister of Pakistan, the daughter of East, the most powerful lady of the Muslim world was assassinated. When the mystery is still shrouded with so many questions & secrets to be revealed, like previous customary secrets of ‘assassination series’ in Pakistan where various known figures had been killed & their file were closed forever e.g. first prime minister: Shaheed Liaquat Ali Khan, Shaheed Murtaza Bhutto, former dictator Ziaul Haq, Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, Hakeem Muhammad Saeed, Mir Murtaza Bhutto and the great Baloch leader like Shaheed Akbar Bughti (former Chief Minister of Balochistan) who was also among the pioneers in Pakistan movement.

Murder of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto is being assumed as a crucial loss for entire nation because there was & is an acute lack of able leadership in Pakistan. The incident have not only changed forever the history of Pakistan, caused out of boarder upshots but above all has permanent impacts upon lives of individuals, as this unexpected occurrence had caused worst kind of riots & ethnic violence in the history of Pakistan, where several hundred innocent peoples were killed, let alone collective or personal financial damages which were in millions and never compensated by Pakistani government.

This was the ‘fate deciding’ day for many families in Pakistan, which cannot be undo now. On that day, criminals, gangs, rapists including raged party workers well made the use of their inner evils. The dance of evil had been continued for almost 3 days in all over country especially in Karachi & interior Sindh (i.e. areas which are considered as PPPs vote bank). For 3-4 days all kinds of business & official activities in all over country, especially in Sindh Province were totally shunned down. This was the day in Pakistan after which the concept of ‘who is who’ and impressions of nationalities and communities went off deeper rather dreaming for a single nation, which is quite obscure now. Only after these incidents, provinces like Balochistan & Sindh are openly claiming for ‘independence’..The writings on the wall..

Many stories of 12/27 riot survivors later appeared in electronic & print media. In this article, I’ll try to reflect my own one to one eye accounts, besides facts, which were not disclosed in media i.e. how after the incident of Benazir’s murder at Rawalpindi (which was even kept secret during initial hours in the media), gradually most horrible riots erupted like a wildfire in the city. How police, law & order agencies were totally absent from the streets. How in Karachi, survivors after so many hours of brain torture & fear reached their homes … How families in cars looted by criminals, public & private vehicles were torched, lone women & girls (who had been lost / abducted & gang raped for whole night. How godowns, warehouses, shops, vehicles were looted by the masses & set ablaze.
The conclusion of my article will not be in usual political, geographical tone (as much have already been written & available on-line), but in a more diverse ‘philosophical insights’…
As event of assassination happened at Liaquat Bagh, Rawalpindi, when she was about to leave the public meeting place in the evening of Thursday, December 27, 2007 around 6-7 p.m. and it was a usual peak working day in all over country. In Karachi city too after exhaustive routine work, people were heading towards their homes. Various people including women & children on their way from homes or were coming from Offices, factories, shopping centres, bazaars etc. I was too heading towards Gulshan from my office, when I reached near Metropolitan Hotel, it was already 7.20 p.m. After two earlier bloodiest incidents in the city I made it my habit to check the news updates on internet before leaving my office. And then now there were no news of her murder, except a bomb blast at Liaquat Bagh, Rawalpindi. These two bloodiest incidents were of May 12 & Oct. 18, 2007. Before I resume my topic, let me have few words on these two events too.
On May 12, 2007 the sacked Chief Justice, Iftikhar M. Chaudri (now he has been restored to his previous position) was arriving in Karachi city to address at the Lawyer’s Bar, but he even never succeeded to come out of the airport, owing to crucial situation in the city, when terrorists of different political parties, especially of MQM had already taken over the control of city. A large number of people were killed during straight firing at Sharea Faisal, Karachi. The Pakhtoons party was in favor of welcoming Chief Justice while Urdu speaking (MQM folks) under the auspicious of Gen. Pervaiz Musharraf were against this idea. The result was worst kind of ethnic cleansing & death tolls. The day 12th May, 2007 is now celebrated as the bloodiest day in Pakistan.
The second bloodiest encounter happened in the same year at October 18, when Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto after a long time, was arriving from Dubai and she was proposed to speech at Mazar-e-Quaid, but she also never reached her destination, as there was complete black-out in the city, apparently MQM (the ‘sole owner’ of the city) is again looks involved in the scheme. When her procession was near Karsaz, a sudden bomb explosion caused hundreds of peoples, including majority of youths from Lyari as brutally killed. Victim’s body parts were ripped apart in several kilometers. The number reaches at mind blowing figure of 250-300.

So it was around 7.20-7.30 p.m. the place was near Avari Tower, towards Sharea Faisal. There was total darkness as street lights had been switched off, people were already terrified, because of previous incidents & the news of Benazir ‘s murder was not yet broke out by the media, then suddenly a car driver shouted:
‘Benazir damakay men mari gaee!! (i.e. Benazir was killed in a Bomb Blast). The news received people’s sudden panic & shock . Everybody was helplessly trying to contact their homes but in vain, as all mobile phone networks were jammed. I also tried to contact my family but of no avail. Now every car driver tuned on their FM radios to listen more details. Traffic was moving inch by inch, there were no traffic constables, police or rangers, people are on the total mercy of criminals & thieves.
Gradually news of riots was also breaking out and everybody was in a hurry and in panic. People just wanted to reach their homes at all costs. There were hue & cry on roads, cars horning, people cursing each others. Bikers were trying to pull their bikes over footpaths, mini buses were being emptied and people were walking on roads. I was too somehow managing to drive on footpaths like other panicked bikers. When I reached near Jail Chowrangi from Tariq Road, the time was 9.30 p.m.! i.e. it took 2 hours from Avari Tower to reach at Jail Chowrangi.

BUT…. something was wrong there, people on streets including barefoot girls without duppata were screaming & running. O God! Ahead of 50 foot, raged mob were forcefully vacating buses / mini buses, cars, smashing windscreens, motorcycles & torching them. They were equipped with weapons. Some criminals by benefitting the situation were also looting vehicles, purse & mobiles from helpless public. The dance of evil had just begun. Some people were also looked wounded. It was simply the sight of doomsday (qayamat). Women & children were screaming in fear, no time for help, no security, complete lawlessness; the road towards NIPA was blocked by evil protestors & terrorists. Until next 2-days, there were no proper police patrolling and angry mob also torched Askari Park.

Now the traffic was diverted towards Liaquat National/Agha Khan Hospital Road, I also took it granted & turned my bike swiftly towards the direction. Noises were slowing down. Again inch by inch movement, when traffic reaches in front of Liaquat National & Agha Khan Hospitals, an elder biker fell on the road some youths including me stopped for a while to help him. He was unconscious & looked a victim of heart attack, we tried to give him first aid but of no use as people behind us, continuously shouting with rage ‘Choro is budday ko jaldi yahan say nikalnay ki karo, halaat bohot kharaab horahay hen’ (meaning: leave this old man alone, situation is getting worse, get out of the way)... Simply nobody was ready for a rescue, and then some volunteers carried him to Liaquat National. Again I checked cell’s network there was no signal yet, except the time indication as 10.10 p.m. I was thinking that my family must be disturbed, as they would be watching ‘breaking news’ on TV. We were again on our way; it is just before the civic centre bridge. Suddenly at yards distance two roughs were seen dragging a helpless girl, everybody noticed but did nothing, as each & everyone is fighting for its own survival. Roughs with helpless girl were disappeared in one of the office buildings. The selfish approach had already overtaken everything…

On top of the bridge fire was erupting, a mini bus was just lit by angry protestors. It heat was so intense that instead of a cold night of December, I was sweating. Now there is no chance to climb up on the bridge. I thought, as it is the last day of my life. Seeing the situation people had stopped to cross the bridge.
Agay jana mushkil hai, (it is impossible to move further) one of bikers said.
Bhai moat ko dawat daina hai. (It is likely inviting death!). Bike yaheen chore dayten hen (leave bike here). Finally I decided to sacrifice my new bike too. Nearby civic centre is a service road, where people were parking their bikes on the mercy of criminals. I also decided to leave my bike and walk home, as it was quite better option to leave the infested place now. I parked & locked it with cable chain. I was quite sure, that sooner it would also be torched like others. I must get the hell out of there.
After leaving my bike on the mercy of God, instead of approaching from the bridge, I decided to walk down roadside, as I had to reach to Gulshan railway crossing. Everybody was escaping, some helpless women were trying to fetch a rickshaw, but no rickshaw driver was willing to carry her. Firing & torching still continued. Rascals with weapons were roaming freely on roads, looting & torching everything on their way. Somehow, I managed to cross the road, from Expo centre. As soon as I crossed, exchange of firing started, I ran as fast as I could, while bowing my head down. There were also other peoples, running for their lives, some people were watching from their apartments, and enjoying the ‘live show’.
When I reached some safer distance, I checked my mobile again, the signals were ok & the screen was displaying numerous miscalls! Some of them from my house, including some unknowns. I immediately contacted home, it picked up in no time, it was the voice of my daughter, she was continuously weeping, and she asked ‘where are you papa? Benazir is killed in a bomb blast! We were terribly upset by the critical situation of the city. I told them that I’m fine & just a few yards walking distance away, don’t worry for me. Finally I reached home, family members vehemently welcomed as if I was coming abroad.
In violence, much damage had been caused all over country, especially in Sindh province, as what TV is showing. Suddenly my cell rang again, the number was same unknown. I picked it up. The other side was a youth of our old neighborhood, who had been working somewhere near Liaquat National Hospital. He cried that he is with his office companion & badly trapped in riots. He asked me to pick him up from the roadside as he cannot go to violence infested Lyari.

Now, I was given a task to pick the guy from roadside. My brother alongwith his children have also been trapped at our home. May be thousands of people remain trapped in each other’s homes, offices & factories., Although it was too risky to step outside at that moment of violence, but we were bound to pick him up anyway. The firing was still continued outside..
We had to reach near Expo Centre, where our Lyari fellow has to be dropped by his office companion. As I had already left my bike on the mercy of rioters at Civic centre, we walked on foot. The distance towards Expo Centre passed safely. The main expo centre road was giving empty look, except some panicked bikers & private car drivers. Some smoke emitting old tires, bikes & mini buses were still lying on roads. My panic was growing, as our friend didn’t reach yet. I kept giving him miscalls. Finally he reached over bike with his office colleagues. He looked upset & worried; I thanked the guy, who left him safe & sound. Now we’ve to hurry & must move from here, I told them.
When we reached near Gulshan railway crossing, firing had erupted. Some rascals on four wheelers, equipped with automatic weapons, were spreading harassment. People were fleeing for their lives, we too ran as fast as we could. Far & wide, there was no existence of police or rangers. By some means, we changed our root & reached home safe & sound. Now after these entire minds blowing incidence clock was giving a time of 11.40 p.m. Our Lyari friend also informed his home and they were all thankful to us. They continued to leave with us for further 3-4 days, finally the erupted lava of agitations came down & they leave for Lyari.
Riot tales, on account of Benazir murder was worst in the city. Various warehouses, godowns/stores, shops (mostly belonged to Punjabi, Memons) were looted & torched. The poverty stricken Lyarites, which have always been kept on empty promises, fill their houses with looted grains, sugars, flour bags, mineral waters & what not!
Various factories, alongwith their workers (who had been trapped because of city riots) were set ablaze.
The incidents of gang rapes were also reported by the witnesses, near Bin Qasim & other far flung factory areas. But media never reported them. The innocent daily worker women & girls were the primary victims.
On that day of 27th December, 2007 many families who had been waiting for their beloved, never found them alive! Various taxi, rickshaw drivers were killed & their vehicles torched for the unseen crime, worst part is they were never compensated by government or any agency; as a result their family members are still suffering for the incurable miseries. Perhaps for them the life will not be normal again, NEVER!
What I want to convey that what we do in this world, be in a negligible form has its impacts, sometimes worst, sometime unnoticed. Worst in a case that unending series of chain disruption occurred, causing many lives at stacks, beyond control of human being. Sometimes the decision of an individual is the prime factors. Just look at various Wars, miserable events of the world, mostly of them were started with trivial matters.
Benazir murder too must have been decision of an individual or groups, but what was the OUTCOME, is evident to all..

Mysterious ‘chain disruption’ can be also be understood in a technical daily life manner. For example, you are riding on a bike, the chain is most important part of any bike, and it runs wheel from engine movement. Suddenly a single link (may be negligible if lying alone) is broken. What would happen?? The worst outcome could be the fatal accident, costing your life, if you are riding on a busy fast road, as a truck could crush you, or in other cases, you could be late to reach your proposed destination, which may be further linked to other events & people or group of peoples.

Further these reactions are not surprising but a common instinct of human being. Whenever a revolution, war or anarchy like situation erupts in any part of the world, the reactions in form of mass revenge, murder, rape, looting speak of its worst kind. Human history is full of such bloody incidents. Be it French revolution, 1857 Indian Independence War, Nazi death camps of Auschwitz, Russian attacks over Afghanistan, Algerian or Indonesian massacre, China Taiwan massacres, Vietnam War, East/West Pakistan separation, Gulf war, 9/11 & the recent Iraq / Afghan War, routine suicide bomb blasts in Pakistan….

Amazingly, in all these situation, all moral, ethical, theistic, conscious norms become meaningless and human being demonstrate as it’s nastiest. Here again the question arises that in such cases what are the role of religion, culture & consciousness? Because in each & every worst case ‘mean behavior’ always overcomes every earned traits of human being.

The entire universe

including its natural principles is established on delicate balances. These delicate balances are called ‘divine & pre-planned’ by THEOLOGIANS and ‘accidental / evolved’ by AGNOSTICS. Whatever they may be, but each & every disruption from human being to alter these ‘delicate balances’ has its own price & consequences, some less & some higher.
If we throw a pebble in one part of the ocean, it creates impulses to the other part, while it is quite another story that whether we are capable to measure the impacts or not.

We cannot undo the past events which are responsible for current events. We also understand that for any event to take place there must be numerous events in the past which make this event possible. Each event is a culmination of innumerable events in the past as well as forerunner of some other event in the future. It is impossible for human being to change the course of events, the ‘chain reaction’ since the causes of those events lie not in his domain but in the whole of the past of the universe i.e. what is called as a FATE or destiny.

But revolving around ‘fate’ our freedom is only limited to the actions we take but not to the outcome of that act.!! This sounds logical because the outcome of any act depends on so ‘many factors’ that one cannot realistically hope to have control over all those factors but becomes part of it. That is why even the best laid plans of the mightiest and most intelligent people turn to dust.
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