This will be story of every youth, who were living in that period because certain norms, culture, fashion & trend were ‘equal’ for all, except some minor differences because of area, wealth & status. So let me take you back in time…
I begin with the SMS I received:
“Let me take u back in time there were no mobiles, computer games, and internet. Our games were Chupan Chupai, Pakran Pakrai, Baraf Pani, Watching Cartoon & Subah ki nashriat at 7.30 a.m. on PTV before going to school.
5 bajay Alif Laila, Tick Tick Company or Ainak wala Jinn.
8 Bajay Angaar Wadi, Dhuwan, Family Front, Guest House, Gali ki cricket & zalim neighbors, who never gave the ball back.
O haan, 1 ruppay ki 8 tofian.
3 ruppay ki bottle.
2 ruppay ki shahi kulfi.
1 ruppay ka samosa etc.
Happy childhood Memory”
Blatant comments of a friend…
Before I sketch the life style (in vogue) around 78 when I was seven or eight year old kid & drags it upto 1995 (when I was in my prime youth age), let me recount memories of my ‘once awara’ buddy, as who always gives ‘blazing’ remarks for today’s youth. As he says:
“Just look at them…..with their odd looking style…‘How flirting, dating….. is easy for them today, thanks to mobile, SMS, internet & co-education, while in our time, no such technology was available & in our early prime time entertainment & life (during 1984 – 88) was ‘messed up’ by a dictator like Zia, as he had enforced fake morality & piety in entire country".
He goes on further, “We couldn’t satisfactorily steered ‘live’ beautiful girls in streets, except surfing in 2nd hand playboy magazine’s (bought from Khori Garden , Karachi ), which I used to hide in my cupboard. Because in these days, according to fashion, girls used to wear loose clothes, Burka & ‘essential duppata’. Even Mehtaab Chana & other newscasters were banned from PTV” (which was the most beloved lonely TV channel at that time, before the arrival & closure of NTM).
“Now today’s boys can ‘lively witness jean wearing, tight wearing pajama girls, whose qameez are hanging like a calendar & roomali also visible…(deleted…..). He puffed more smokes & waived his hand in cursedly manner, “To hell with Zia, the dictator, who had banned the only dance club in Clifton Karachi & had turned it into a Ghost House / & later a Sindbad’ (This pub was once active at the time of Z.A. Bhutto, though riches still had opportunities in 5 stars hotels & clubs to watch dance (mujras).

PTV, NTM, VCR, Oman & Dish TV Entertainment…

Initially Color TVs were not in common & only riches or Dubai return have it. In our own Mohalla a Dubai return gentleman for the first time brought color TV in his home. It was next to the wonder of the world, during evening & nights, this home would be full of people, who watch wondrous live color picture. Inspired by this, a multi colored plastic screen was later introduced for poor B/W TV holders, i.e. for poor chaps who cannot afford to buy a real color TV. In those days Japanese 20” B/W TVs with knob band system were available with Rs.2,500 to 3,000/=. These TV sets were usually kept under beautiful wooden sliding door cases. Another entry was 26” Holland made Philips TV; it was without any case having silicon transistor technology with button type tuner system.
20” Color TVs were initially introduced by Hitachi & Toshiba with Rs.7,000 to 8,000/= in early 84-85, which was considered a huge amount. But as it is saying of Urdu that ‘shoq ka kia mole’. The lower & middle class enthusiasts even arranged Beesi (committee ) to have this boon in home.
In the same era TV signals from neighboring Arabian countries like Oman & Abu Dabi was begin to receiving in Karachi . The actual favourite thing were Indian movies which were aired on Fridays. At that time though bulky VCRs were in common, but Zia government had already banned such ‘evil’ items. So the cheapest method for common people to get the reception of Oman TV through the use of a ‘top fixed specialized VHF antenna’, equipped with couple of silver utensils & plates.
Friday were holidays, usually after Jumma Prayer, people were found on their rooftop, trying to fix the ‘antenna’ to get a better reception of Oman TV, while ladies used to assist males by shouting ‘aee nahen aeee’ (It is ok, reception is clear or turn in around a little) down from their TV lounge. Though some wise & technical mind people also used Green Star booster & a rotator to get the best hassle free reception. Sometimes signals of Abu Dhabi TV channel was also visible, keeping in view the weather conditions as usually these Arabian broadcasts were available during summer day time, perhaps it was to do something with higher tidal waves or reflections from different light source, as after midnight (but not during sunset), these broadcasts weren’t visible. Later STN/NTM (another private Pakistani TV channel also took the place of Oman & PTV). It started its broadcasts together with CNN but Pakistani government soon banned it.
At the exact opposite direction Indian Door darshan TV signals were also available for Karachi viewers together with Oman TV. Still today, if somebody tries to tune these channels via high rise VHF Antennas in summer daytime, can find them. Actually fixing a FM or VHS TV antenna & tuning signals randomly in different time is a fun, as sometimes, unknown audio frequencies of security officials or traffic wardens can also be caught & heard. But now people rarely bother, for it, thanks to cable TV networks.
Story of VCRs & video cassettes rental shops were too boomed during that time. Usually Video Cassette Rental shops provided VCRs on rent for 24 Hrs. with Rs.150/=. While VHS cassette rent were around Rs.7-10 each, but whenever any Amitabh Bachan movie arrives, the rent of such cassettes boomed like a hotcake up to Rs.20/=, which was considered a huge amount in these time. For the first time in my life I watched ‘Sholay’ on VCR & really enjoyed it, after watching the movie, for couple of weeks, we (friends) acted like film heroes & continued to play games of movie characters like Thakur & Ghabbar Singh. Its favorite dialogue like ‘Kitnay aadmi thay’ was quite exciting. Bachan’s second blockbuster movie was ‘Muqaaddar ka Sikander’, where after watching it, youths copied Big Bs hairstyle. Though ‘Big B’ terminology is a latest arrival, in those days he was simply famous as ‘Amitaabh’.
Soon after the arrival of VCRs & cable, cinemas were already dying in Karachi , though couple of Hollywood blockbuster movies earned a successful business. For the first time, 3-D movie demonstrated at some Karachi Cinema & people really enjoyed it. For many months, it was the talk of the town. Now such cinemas with 3D technology have again been set up at Atrium Mall, near Zainab Market, Saddar, Karachi but the ticket charges are too high to afford for middle & lower class. Downside of mall different glassy eateries like Arizona Grill is also there.
Dish Antennas were yet another arrival which brought a revolution & inspired people, with bundle of free Indians, MTV & Arabian channels. Though elders & religious people at our time condemned by calling them ‘Bay Hayaee ki Dish’ (the immoral Dish). Later slowly cable TV system continued to emerge & Dish Antennas had been wiped out as once free to air channels had moved to expensive decoder type satellite sets. As a result business mind people owned & operated cable TV network. Now even-to-day this is the most favorite entertainment TV system in every home in Karachi . Besides, these, high Tech Blue Ray or DVD Home Theatre systems are common in now many homes.
For outdoor recreation, favorite places were Gandhi Garden (Zoological Garden), Hawa Bundar (Clifton), Manora, Mazar-e-Quaide, Sherpao Garden (currently known as polo-ground), Hill-park, though Hawskbay & Paradise point were not yet common, as they were considered as ‘remote’ places, since no public transport were available in these areas. Safari park was just recently being established, while Aladeen Park was not yet formed.
In Gandhi Garden , various rare animals (now not available) were present like Rhinoceros, Giraffe, and Elephant etc. A large skeleton of whale & copper made statue of lions were also once situated in the garden but now extinct (luckily I’ve footage of old zoo & frequently show it to my family & friends). At that time, Electronic Roller coasters weren’t affixed & the zoo was a peaceful place both for animals & humans. Perhaps one of the oldest monument of Karachi Zoo (still intact) is Mumtaz Mehel but now it lacks people attention. A poorly maintained museum has now been built which constitute remains of dead animals.

Literally a hundred Rupee note was more than sufficient for an individual to enjoy in Clifton till 1985. Normally we saved our money, as earned from Eidees, given by our elders during Eids.

Cassette walkman, photography trend…

Apparels of early 80s till 90s…

Worth of an Aana & Paisa, malaee wali kulfi & gola ganda…

During our college life the other favorite hobby of youths is to go Shaadi Haal & have a mufta (free feast). In these days, except few incidents, peace was prevailing in

But now, no sensitive person can have a dinner in such open public places, because of increased poverty & no. of beggars in Karachi city, as soon as one sit, the beggars including women & children proliferate, they even don’t hesitate to pick out your chewed bones from the road!! Your every morsel will be like poison to intake. The monster of inflation has brought us in such a situation that we cannot freely sip a tea cup or shop grocery. Everywhere you go the beggars will be there. When you buy sugar (which is now considered a luxury item, you’ll listen words like, Sait Sahab, Allah kay naam pay kuch hamen be do). Surely one feels lucky to have a 5 kg bag full of sugar…
A footpath tea stall, a little beggar girl touching feet of every customer for just a cup of tea, she was sipping out tea leftover from every cup hungrily. The cup price is now reached Rs.12/= each.
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